Saturday, May 23, 2009

Photo of the week:

The Book

It's a fading memory, a relic of someone else's life.  The rotted cover, cracked open just enough to give you a glimpse of what's inside, yet making it harder to open, harder to search through the brittle pages without destroying them.  

The shelf this came from was full of books in some state of decay and this was hardly the worst of them.  The space was all but abandoned, and apparently in a hurry too.  I promise, there will be many more pictures from this place.  

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Photo of the week:

ACen:  Anime Central Convention

I had the privelege of getting a press pass to the Anime Central Convention at the Rosemont Convention Center this year. The photos were published on the Windy Citizen.   Unfortunately, I was only able to spend a day there.   Next year, I'll be there all three days if I can.  

There were booths from vendors of manga, anime, hentai, weapons, costumes, props, artists, comics, art schools, toys, videos, and a ton of other gizmos, gadgets, and anime gear.  However, this year, like most others was all about the costumes or 'cosplay'.  

I took a ton of photos of these elaborate and creative costumes.  Here's a link to the entire set on Flickr, just this once, so you can see all the characters.  Enjoy!

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