Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Photo of the week:

The Mistress.

The Dominatrix.  She's plotting your demise.  She sits there, judging you, carefully calculating every motion.   

This isn't my first time shooting with Miss B, and it won't be the last.  Her expression and her edge are cutting.  It's so great to capture that stare.  

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Photo of the Week, 


I went exploring around some abandoned places in the city and came across this.   So there's this street artists, posting up drawings almost everywhere.  I've seen his/her (I think his) work all over town, even across the street from where I live.   For once, I had my camera out while I was passing by.  

I love it.  I just love it.  I want to know who this person is, I want to see his/her process, influences, ideas.  It's some of the most oddly interesting art I've seen, and I love that it's just out there in public.  I love that it's temporary, these posters degrade and fall off or get washed away.  If you live in Chicago, try and find some.  They're hiding in some of the most familar places. 

Oh, no, I'm not going to tell you where they are... that would spoil the fun of it.  

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Friday, April 17, 2009

Photo of the week:


I, like many others, have family in two faiths.  While I was raised Jewish, my father's family is mainly Catholic.  My father converted before I was born and I was sent to Hebrew school, Jewish camp, Jewish youth group etc etc.  So, needless to say, I came out of that with a strong Jewish identity but I never learned about the Catholic side.   Well, I did later, but not as a child.  

And now, my wife's family is Methodist.  So, once again, with the prospect of children, I have to think about this scenario.  Neither of us are religious, but we have backgrounds in two different faiths.  We have history in two different faiths, two very different traditions.  We both feel it's important for our child to learn about faith and history, but which side?  Which faith?  Do we try and marry both?  Do we teach both separately?  Do we teach one and not the other? 

It's times like these that I start to ponder on these questions.   Two very important holidays in both faiths, Easter and Passover, are happening at the same time.  I have always loved Passover.  It's been my favorite holiday for a long time.  I love the tradition, the history.  It connects me with my past and my future.  It's something I know generations upon generations have participated in and will participate in.  The holiday itself is about the struggle for freedom.  It's about the importance of history.  It's a spring holiday, one for renewal and growth, much like Easter, the last supper being a Passover feast... the two go hand in hand.  

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Photo of the week:

The Jordan Years

This shot was taken this week at Reggie's Rock Club in Chicago.  The band The Jordan Years played a killer set.  In front you've got Roger Panella, in back is Mike Andersen on bass and Michael Cole on keys. Unseen here is Joe Dorenbos on drums.  Guest vocalist, Wes Restless, had a few jams with them as well.  

 They record at West Town Recording in Humboldt Park.  Check out that site and you might see a few of my shots up there of the studio and some of the other shows and bands that record there.  Click HERE to see the rest of the set from this gig. 

Seen any good shows lately?

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