I went exploring around some abandoned places in the city and came across this. So there's this street artists, posting up drawings almost everywhere. I've seen his/her (I think his) work all over town, even across the street from where I live. For once, I had my camera out while I was passing by.
I love it. I just love it. I want to know who this person is, I want to see his/her process, influences, ideas. It's some of the most oddly interesting art I've seen, and I love that it's just out there in public. I love that it's temporary, these posters degrade and fall off or get washed away. If you live in Chicago, try and find some. They're hiding in some of the most familar places.
Oh, no, I'm not going to tell you where they are... that would spoil the fun of it.
Labels: ben gonzales, chicago, fishlips, gopho, photo of the week, photography
this is street artist "goons". he gets up all over. here is some more work http://www.flickr.com/photos/goons/
goons is kind of hard to contact. a bit of a mystery. but he is up EVERYWHERE.
right on. Thanks. I have been loving his work. I'll have to post more of him, as I find him.
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That pictuce looks vaguely familiat to mine... Mhmmhmhm....
Your not the only one that knows where "Goons" has his work up. I'm the one that sighted it to begin with@ I should get some credit! The photos that we shot that day came out amazing, I can't wait to share them.
I totally lend credit to you for spotting that! Thanks for spotting it. I can't wait to see your pics, btw. Are they printed up yet?
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