Thursday, July 26, 2007


BP just got major legislation passed to allow them to pollute a lot more than they already do. And where? Right here in Lake Michigan. So all you Chicago people, Michigan people, Indiana People, Wisconsin people, Minnesota people... anywhere people, if you like water, you may want to look at this article right HERE

Fill out these petitions to try to stop this.

here's some more info and another petition from the park district:

This is no joke. DO something about this. Sign the petition, spread the word and fill up somewhere other than BP from now on (not that the other gas companies are much better).

See through the BS of BP, know who's controlling your laws and your lives!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Apologies for not keeping up with the photo of the week. I've been preparing for a show at the Alt Art Fest in two weeks. This will be my first exhibition of prints for sale. I will be there all three days along with a number of talented new artists and a score of bands and performances. I hope you all can come.

Today, I'm also turning a new leaf on this blog. I am obsessed with the politics of our times, the ever changing and evolving culture and shape of society at large. While this may betray my political leanings, I'm compelled to inform and educate to the best of my ability. As such, I may be posting links to articles, documentaries, news clippings etc. that I find important and noteworthy. I'd like to start with this:

I've recently watched a BBC documentary called "The Century of the Self" made by Adam Curtis. I highly suggest everyone on the planet watches this. It's 4 hours of your life that you will be glad you spent. It's not available on DVD due to copyright issues on much of the footage used. Instead you can see it HERE
There are 4 episodes, each is an hour long.

Curtis also made a doc called "The Power of Nightmares" which is also highly highly recommended. So far there are 3 episodes, each an hour long. You can find that HERE

This has also been released as a bonus of Wholphin, which you should all subscribe to HERE

These two are quite possibly the most important and impartially informative documentaries I've seen and are essential, in my opinion, to understanding just how much our society has been manipulated and shaped by those in power, both on the right and on the left.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Photo of the week:

My uncle's hand at my grandmother's piano. Edited, turned b&w.

Today is my 30th birthday. I'm working and celebrating with friends.

Also, some news:

I'll be showing prints at the Alt Art Fest in Mundelein on August 3,4&5. I'll post links later.

I hope you all had a great Dependence day.

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