Friday, March 23, 2007

Photo of the week, or photos of the week.

This was part of a shoot I did for and ultimately not used for the site or their album art. I like them though. I thought they told a story, albeit an abstract one, about revealing something through the shadows.

This is the shadow cast by a revolving mobile created by one of their artists.
Let me know what you think.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's a bit orange, but thems' the lights o' the city. That orange haze from the sodium vapor lamps is so characteristic of Chicago. As are the green spires atop the Sears Tower, a festive decoration for St. Patrick's day. This view is from the promenade behind the Shedd Aqaurium.
This is unedited. I'm thinking about playing with the color a bit and moving that horizon line about one degree counter clockwise. What do you think?

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Photo of the week.

A night view of San Francisco from Twin Peaks. The reflection of the moon shimmers over the bay. This was my last night in SF and the last shot I took there.

Again, this is an unedited shot.
Any suggestions?

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