Thursday, February 15, 2007

Photo of the week.

Yes, I'm back at it.

This week, a somber message. A week ago today, my grandfather died of lung cancer. So all you smokers, QUIT IT. I'm trying to do so myself.
He was quite a man and I would write something about him, who he was and what he did, but there were already a couple articles published on him this past weekend. I'll link to those articles here:
Chicago Tribune
Chicago Sun Times
Note: someone on the Times' editing staff should rethink their position. Despite making mention of my grandfather earning a doctorate and professorship, the whole article refers to him as "Mr." and not "Dr." I'm not bitter about it, but come on Times, that's just a stupid mistake.

So, here's the picture of the week. He sits alone, waiting for the family to gather before a Christmas dinner, what would be his last.

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